Building Your Foundation: A Guide to Foot and Ankle Health by Daniel Ullman

By Daniel Ullman LMT, CSCS, PES, CES

Our feet and ankles play a crucial role in our daily lives, providing support, stability, and mobility with every step we take. Yet, they are often overlooked until they start to give us trouble. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the anatomy of the foot and ankle, actions and movements, and best self-care techniques to keep them healthy and pain-free.

 Basic Anatomy of the Foot and Ankle:

The foot and ankle complex are a marvel of biomechanical engineering, comprised of numerous bones, joints, muscles, and ligaments working together to support the body's weight and facilitate movement. Some of the major muscles involved in foot and ankle function include:

·      Gastrocnemius and Soleus: These calf muscles are responsible for plantarflexion or pointing the foot downward.

·      Tibialis anterior: Located in the front of the lower leg, this muscle helps dorsiflex the foot, or lift the toes upward.

·      Peroneal muscles: Found on the lateral portion of the lower leg, these muscles aid in ankle stability and eversion, or turning the sole of the foot outward.

·      Achilles Tendon: A thick tendon located on the back of the lower leg near your heel. It connects the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles in the calf to an insertion point at the calcaneus (heel bone). It is the strongest tendon in the body and allows people to push off while walking, running and jumping.

·      Intrinsic foot muscles: These smaller muscles within the foot help maintain arch support, grip the ground, and control fine movements of the toes.

Actions and Movements of the Foot and Ankle:

The foot and ankle are capable of a wide range of movements, allowing us to walk, run, jump, and navigate various terrains with ease. Some of the key actions and movements include:

·      Plantarflexion: Pointing the toes downward, as in pushing on the gas pedal.

·      Dorsiflexion: Lifting the toes upward, as in flexing the ankle.

·      Inversion: Turning the sole of the foot inward, towards the midline of the body.

·      Eversion: Turning the sole of the foot outward, away from the midline of the body.

·      Supination: Rolling the foot outward onto the outer edge.

·      Pronation: Rolling the foot inward, flattening the arch.

Self-Care Techniques for the Foot and Ankle:

Maintaining the health and function of your feet and ankles is essential for overall well-being and mobility. Here are some self-care techniques to keep your foundation strong and pain-free:

·      Self-Myofascial Release (SMR): SMR is a technique used to release tension and tightness in the muscles and fascia (connective tissue) throughout the body. The best massage tools to use for your foot and ankle are golf balls, tennis balls, lacrosse balls, or Yamuna balls (you can find a link to these below.)

o   Start by placing the massage tool under the foot, focusing on areas of tension or discomfort. Apply pressure by leaning into the massage tool and gently rolling the tool back and forth until you find any areas that feel particularly tight or tender. To increase the intensity of the massage, you can simply apply more body weight.

o   Pause on these tender areas and continue applying as much pressure as tolerable until you start to feel the area release or become less tender. This could take 30 to 90 seconds depending on the area. Once you feel a release or the area become less tender move on to another spot.

o   Take your time with the self-myofascial release process, allowing the muscles and fascia to gradually release and relax. Start with the bottom of your foot and move up to the calf by sitting on the floor and working the massage tool from your ankle to your knee. Remember to breathe deeply and relax.

o   You can aim to implement SMR daily or weekly for the foot, ankle, and calf muscles as part of your regular self-care routine.

·      Stretching Exercises: Performing regular stretches will improve flexibility and range of motion in the foot and ankle. Focus on calf stretches, ankle circles, and toe curls to target key muscle groups.

·      Strengthening Exercises: Incorporating strength training exercises will build stability and support in the foot and ankle. Try exercises like calf raises, toe raises, and ankle alphabet exercises to strengthen the muscles and ligaments.

·      Proper Footwear: For your everyday shoe, shoes that have a wide toe box and are more minimalistic or barefoot like, allow your foot to move and function the way it was intended to. Your foot is less likely to be restricted which will allow the intrinsic muscles of your foot to activate and engage appropriately to provide you with stability and support. Spending more time walking around barefoot or in these minimalistic style shoes can help strengthen our feet and will start to help them become more resilient.

·      Epsom Salt foot soaks: Epsom salt, also known as magnesium sulfate, has long been praised for its therapeutic properties, particularly when used in foot soaks. Soaking your feet in epsom salt can help relieve aches and pains, increase circulation, reduce inflammation, soften rough calloused skin, reduce stress, and improve foot odor.

By incorporating these self-care techniques into your daily routine, you can help prevent injuries, alleviate pain, and maintain optimal health and function in your feet and ankles. Remember to listen to your body and seek professional medical attention if you experience persistent or severe symptoms.

Your feet and ankles are the foundation of your body's movement and support. By understanding their anatomy, actions, and common self-care techniques, you can take proactive steps to care for them and keep them healthy and strong for years to come.

Debunking the Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction in Massage Therapy by Daniel Ullman

  By Daniel Ullman, CSCS, LMT, PES, CES 

Massage therapy is a powerful healing modality that offers a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. However, there are many misconceptions surrounding this ancient practice that may prevent individuals from fully experiencing its transformative effects. In this post, we'll debunk common myths about massage therapy to help you better understand its true value.

Myth #1: Massage Therapy is Only for Relaxation

While relaxation is certainly one of the immediate benefits of massage therapy, its scope extends far beyond simply providing a moment of tranquility. Massage therapy has been shown to alleviate chronic pain, reduce muscle tension, improve circulation, boost immunity, and enhance overall well-being. Whether you're seeking relief from physical discomfort, stress-related tension, or specific health issues, massage therapy offers a holistic approach to healing and rejuvenation.

Myth #2: Massage Therapy is Only for Physical Ailments

Contrary to popular belief, massage therapy is not solely focused on addressing physical ailments. In fact, its impact goes beyond the realm of the body to encompass mental and emotional well-being as well. Massage therapy has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress by promoting relaxation, releasing endorphins, and calming the nervous system. By addressing the mind-body connection, massage therapy offers a comprehensive approach to healing and wellness.

Myth #3: Massage Therapy is Painful

One of the most common misconceptions about massage therapy is that it has to be painful to be effective. While certain techniques may involve firm pressure or deep tissue work, the goal of massage therapy is to alleviate discomfort, not exacerbate it. Skilled massage therapists work with clients to ensure their comfort and adjust the pressure and techniques according to individual preferences and needs. Make sure to communicate this with your therapist to ensure a positive and effective massage experience.

Myth #4: Massage Therapy is a Luxury

Another prevalent myth is that massage therapy is a luxury indulgence reserved for special occasions or pampering spa treatments. However, it’s important to recognize that massage therapy offers much more than just relaxation and indulgence. As stated above, not only can massage therapy help to alleviate physical pain and discomfort, but it also has numerous mental and emotional benefits as well. Additionally, considering the countless health benefits of massage therapy, its value far outweighs its cost in terms of long-term wellness and quality of life. Whether you’re seeking relief from pain, relaxation, or proactive wellness care, massage therapy offers a wealth of benefits that extend far beyond mere indulgence.

Myth #5: Massage Therapy is Not Suitable for Everyone

Some people may believe that massage therapy is not suitable for everyone, particularly those with certain health conditions or medical histories. However, massage therapy is a safe and beneficial treatment option for the majority of people, regardless of age, fitness level, or medical background. Skilled massage therapists are trained to assess each client's individual needs and tailor their approach, accordingly, taking into account any underlying health conditions or contraindications. With proper communication and informed consent, massage therapy can be adapted to suit virtually anyone's needs and preferences. 

By dispelling these common myths about massage therapy, we hope to empower you to explore this transformative healing modality with confidence and clarity. If you have any questions or concerns about massage therapy, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to support you on your journey to health and wellness!

COVID Jet Lag, Our Hormones, And What to do About it by Patrick Cross

COVID Jetlag, Our Hormones, And What to do About it


By: Patrick S. Cross, LMT, CPN, CET



If you are like me, your normal routine has been completely obliterated in the past few weeks.

Some of the changes have been pleasant, like waking up with the sun, then leisurely making coffee and reading instead of my normal 5:30am, drag myself out of bed in the dark and go running, routine. Or taking nice, long naps at no specific time of day.

Other changes have been less enjoyable, like consuming a bunch of food I don’t normally eat that, while serving an emotional need, leaves me feeling lethargic and unmotivated. Or trying to figure out a proper at-home workout routine and feeling like I’m accomplishing half of what I would normally in the gym. Or feeling wide awake at midnight and watching Netflix instead of stretching, meditating, and getting back to sleep.

There have been other ups and downs through all of this, but recently I’ve become acutely aware of the fact that this will eventually pass, and when it does, I would prefer a smooth transition back into my normal routine over a harsh, weeks or months long coming out of COVID jet lag.


What I want to convey here is that a solid routine is extremely important. We’ve all heard of circadian rhythms regarding sleep cycles, but it’s important to understand that circadian rhythms are based around hormonal and other physiological cycles that effect not just our sleep patterns, but also our energy levels, motivation, productivity, hunger, ability to concentrate, mood fluctuations, and overall experiences throughout the day and night.

We’ve all probably noticed that when we go on vacation, especially to the other side of the world, we experience what we call jet lag. Jet lag basically means that we feel awake when we shouldn’t, tired and groggy when we want to be awake, and basically, all around out of whack.

The reason for this is that our hormones are on rhythmic cycles, just like the tides of the ocean, rising and falling throughout the day and night in accordance with the routines to which we have become accustomed. When we quickly shift into a different routine, it takes our hormones time to adjust, and we feel very off in the process.


For example, melatonin, a hormone that tells your body it’s time for bed, isn’t being produced when it’s actually time for bed. Cortisol, one of the main hormones that makes us feel awake and alert, is active at the wrong times, and not active when we want it to be. Leptin and ghrelin, hormones that tell us when to start and stop eating, and even hormones like HGH (human growth hormone) which help us recover, are not doing their job when their job is supposed to be done.

All of these out of sync rhythms mean that we feel tired and groggy when we aren’t supposed to be, jazzed up and hungry at the wrong times, and all around not ourselves. This is what we refer to as jet lag, because normally we don’t experience a major shift in our routine unless we hop on a jet and travel to the other side of the world.

Most of us, however, are currently experiencing a major shift in our routines. This shift, coupled with much higher levels of stress hormones and much lower levels of hormones like oxytocin and dopamine (which we get in large part through quality social interactions) means that we are certainly not operating optimally right now, and that it’s going to be a jarring experience when are able to start getting back to normal.

My suggestion is that we start back on the road to a normal routine right now.


Consider what time you would normally wake up and start waking up at that time again. Look at what time of day you would normally exercise, and get back on track with that, even if the workouts aren’t quite the same. Think about what time you would normally start work each day, and even if you’re currently out of work, work on something for an equivalent amount of time. Take lunch and breaks at the normal time, start getting your evening routines back on track, and even consider what times of day or night you would normally interact with other people and try to recreate that online or over the phone to whatever degree you can.

Continue on the way most of us have been, and we’re likely to have a rough transition back to our normal routines. Start reorienting back to our pre COVID routines now, and the transition forward will be much smoother, and the days leading up to it will feel at least somewhat more normal, productive, balanced, and hopefully fulfilling.


Connection & Community by Patrick Cross

Connection & Community


The Most Underrated Aspect of Healthcare


By: Patrick S. Cross, LMT, CPN, CET



Steam billowed from my cup as I tore open the tea packet. Inside the wrapper was a message;


“Do not rely on others for your own happiness. It all comes from within.”


While that might seem like an empowering statement, I couldn’t disagree more with this morning’s tea-box wisdom.

While I agree that we should not be completely reliant on others for our quality of life, it is important to understand that expecting to experience fulfillment, health, and happiness completely independent of human connection and community is a dire mistake.

Through my career in health care it has become apparent that human connection, though often overlooked, is a powerful driver of success in the healing process. Quality Social connection has been shown to improve immune function, boost cognitive performance, enhance creativity, and foster stronger resilience to stress. Basically we heal faster, think better, and handle challenges more effectively when we regularly engage in beneficial social interactions.

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Interacting with others also provides us with insights that we might otherwise overlook, and a deep connection to community offers us what is arguably one of the most powerful aspects of a thriving lifestyle, a sense of purpose.

As health, creativity, resilience, and purpose are basic ingredients that bolster happiness and success, it appears the importance of other people cannot be overstated.

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Conversely isolation, loneliness, and unhealthy relationships decrease our resilience and can even directly correlate to, or make worse, the process of disease and chronic pain.

Given this, it is interesting and concerning that one of the first things many of us will do when dealing with difficulty, disease, and injury is to isolate our selves. In a recent interview I did with Mandy Antoniacci, a Ted Talks speaker and author on the power of human connection, she described her own journey into self-isolation after her second neck surgery in as many years.

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“We don’t want to be a burden, and we don’t want others to see this depleted version of us. We want to hide.” She said. “But this self-imposed isolation blocks us from the lifeblood of our healing and growth.”

So what is the solution?

Reach out, invite someone to go for a walk, or share a cup of tea. If that’s not readily available find a community and forge new connections. Start with doing this just one time. Then shoot for a second, and a third time. Healthy social habits start with just one step in the right direction.

Make quality human connection a priority, and a deeper sense of wellness and happiness may be closer than you think.

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It's Who You're Hanging Out With by Patrick Cross

It’s Who You’re Hanging Out With

Decision Fatigue


The Most Important Choice We Can Make


By: Patrick S. Cross, LMT, CPN, CET



“We always have a choice.” Eleanor said. “Whether we pick up that donut or leave it, whether we get enough exercise, make it to bed on time, or go after our dreams. It’s always a choice. You just have to be willing to make that choice.”

Eleanor is a health coach and a long time acquaintance, and as we discussed strategies to help people accomplish their goals I found myself disagreeing with that core concept.

“I’m afraid it’s not always a choice.” I said. “For one simple reason. Decision making requires energy, and we don’t have unlimited energy.”

I’d been diving into research regarding our decision making abilities and limitations, and what I found was shifting my view of the common self-discipline paradigm. To illustrate the overarching idea there are three main concepts to consider:


1.     Our brain requires a significant amount of energy to function.

2.     In order to conserve energy most of our actions are driven by the unconscious mind in reflexive patterns (things we do, but don’t think consciously about doing).

3.     Every choice we consciously make costs energy, and we only have so much energy to use before we revert back to reflexive actions (which I’ll call autopilot).

As I thought more about these simple but important rules of physiology I started to notice the flow of decision making in my own daily routines.

For example, in the mornings I have zero trouble saying no to things like the donuts, which are a staple breakfast choice at the hospital I work in. It’s easy because I’m fresh and have all the energy I need to make that decision, even when I really want one of those donuts. I am able to look right at them and think to myself, “Is it really worth it? Is a moment of tasty treats really getting me any closer to my higher level goals?” And I can just keep on walking past that donut table no problem.

After a long day however, when I’ve had to make a lot of decisions and complete a large number of tasks, it’s not uncommon for me to find myself eating the cookies or left over donuts without any thought at all about how they aren’t helping me achieve any of my goals, or whether I actually even wanted them in the first place. I would think about that after the fact, or the next morning, but when I eat those late afternoon cookies it’s not a conscious decision in that moment, it’s completely on autopilot.


More examples started coming into focus as I paid closer attention. The eating of cookies I didn’t actually want was on one end of the spectrum, but there was another, brighter side as well. I’d find that after a particularly taxing day if I happened to be hanging out with a friend who wanted me to go running, climbing, or cook healthy meals with them I’d end up doing it, even though I might not have made that choice on my own in that moment. 


The assertion that we always have a choice is not completely wrong, cultivating self discipline (especially under difficult conditions) is extremely important, but it’s not the whole picture either. When we understand that we only have so many choices available to make in a day, we can stop beating ourselves up for doing those things we said we weren’t going to do, or not doing the things we meant to do, when our brains have switched over into autopilot mode. At some point all of us will likely hit autopilot and just go with the flow of our reflexes or our environment, for better or worse.

In regards to achieving our goals when on autopilot, the people we plan to be around, and the time we plan to be around them, will make a big difference. No matter what the goals are, there is someone else who shares those goals and will bolster them just by proximity. There’s also going to be someone who will likely create a much harder decision making environment.

This certainly doesn’t mean that we should take an inventory and then say goodbye to the people who don’t help us make the right choices for our goals. It will just be more productive to spend time with people who don’t help us make the best decisions when we know we’ll have enough energy to make better decisions for ourselves.

It also means that there is great benefit in scheduling time to be around people who will help us make better decisions, specifically when it will be hardest for us to make those choices on our own. Joining the right groups or clubs, reaching out to friends or family members who fit that category, hiring a trainer, or getting into classes with people in the community who will encourage us and hold us accountable may just be the most important decision we can make.


Why We Need People by Patrick Cross

Why We Need People

Interview with Mandy Antoniacci


By: Patrick S. Cross, LMT, CPN, CET




Although in the midst of a grueling rehabilitation process after her second neck surgery in two years, Mandy Antoniacci projects a truly impressive vigor for life and an unshakeable drive for inspiring others.          

Antoniacci is a tech entrepreneur, sports and health columnist, author, marathoner, and TED Talks speaker. Her book, The Power Of Looking Up, [about breaking away from our distractions and connecting with people] is due to hit the shelf next year.

I had seen Antoniacci’s TED Talks presentation on empowerment in the midst of difficulty, but as she described her experiences to me in more detail I gained a deep appreciation for the fire she has managed to keep brightly burning through the intense mental and physical torrents that could easily have snuffed it out.     


PC:  Tell me about your process and what stage you’re in now.

MA: It’s been incredible and terrifying all at the same time.  

It was right when I accepted the TED presentation that I was going into my first surgery. It all started with my hand going numb. At first I thought it was nothing, but it just kept getting worse. Eventually the numbness and weakness spread all the way up and I found out I was going to need surgery on my cervical spine to fix it.

Rehab from the surgery was rough. It was completely physically draining, and I remember thinking to myself, as an athlete and a person who expects a lot from myself, “How am I going to get up in front of a world audience and present something valuable being this depleted version of myself?

A year later I found out that the procedure didn’t take. My surgeon explained to me that I happened to be in the 1% of the population that this happens to. “Just bad luck,” he said. So I was going to have to do the whole thing over again. The first surgery hit me hard physically; the second hit me mentally and emotionally. I’m currently going through the rehab for that right now. 


Mandy, working on her book while tethered to a bone growth stimulator, post surgery.

PC: How is this round of PT progressing? 

MA: I’m doing well over all. My therapists are amazing. Some days I feel great, but other days it’s all I can do to get moving. Some days it takes me three hours just to be able to get out of bed. 

PC: Why have you chosen to put such a strong emphasis in your writing and speaking on the roll of connecting with others to reach the best quality of rehab, performance, and life in general? 

MA: That’s a big question. The first time I realized the profound importance of human connection was in regards to performance. I was running the L.A. marathon and at mile 19 I was crashing, hard.  

I remember feeling like I just couldn’t take another step when I looked up and saw a little boy holding up a sign that read “Free High Fives.” I pulled out my headphones, went over to him, and brushed my hand against his. Instantly I felt a rush of energy and was able to finish the race feeling a strength that I can only attribute to that connection with another human.  

That’s when I knew that closing off and going into my own head, just me and my headphones, didn’t make me stronger, it made me weaker. It took the connection with another human, even if only for that brief moment, to bring my strength back. 


L.A. Marathon,

finish line.

PC: It’s a common tendency for people to isolate when they are going through hard times. Did you feel that tendency yourself during your rehab process? 

MA: Oh yes. I felt that. So much of our strength is symbolic of our self-identity. When I looked in the mirror and saw this depleted, fractured version of myself I didn’t want anyone else to see that, especially not the people closest to me.  

PC: How did you break through? 

MA: I remember sitting in the waiting room at the hospital. There were all of these other patients, all going in for major procedures, and everyone was scarred. All of a sudden it hit me that no one was speaking with each other. Everyone was just scarred and alone even though there were dozens of people around. So I started sharing my experience with some of them. 

I was nervous at first, but the more I shared with them, the more they shared back with me, and something incredible happened. The tone in the room changed as connections were made, and things felt lighter. It was incredibly powerful. 

PC: It can be difficult to be the one to reach out and initiate those connections. There’s a lot of vulnerability there. What advice would you give to someone who feels nervous but wants to connect? 

MA: Start small. Just say, “Hi.” When we have fear, when we are anxious about connecting with another person, just remember it’s not about you and how you look; it’s about them. It’s a gift you are giving them, and oh by the way… It also helps you.

PC: What, in your view, is the number one benefit of pursuing deeper interactions with the people around us? 

MA: We tend to stay in our lane. Our identifications. If we talk to more people and actually care about what they say, we can expand our view, and ultimately ourselves. If we challenge ourselves to interact and find common ground we move past our smaller view and we open ourselves up to possibilities that we would otherwise miss. 

PC: I love that. So much of who we are and how we engage in the world is rooted in our viewpoints, and we absolutely need deeper interactions with others if we hope to expand, grow, and evolve those viewpoints.  

There’s a common idea that we shouldn’t need others to be happy; that it should all come from within, or it isn’t real happiness. What’s your take on that? 

MA: Great question. I’ll have to answer that in three different contexts.  

On the level of sports, being insular and just in my head ultimately made me weaker. It took getting out of my head and connecting to give me my strength back. 

In the scientific view it’s been studied and documented time and time again. When kids and adults progress in connecting with others, their own self-esteem rises, often dramatically. When people help other people through those connections many other health markers rise as well.

My personal philosophy is this: The difference is about reliance and choosing. If we can’t ever feel happiness without external sources, we are reliant. If we understand that we can choose to interact with external sources to enrich our internal happiness, we are powerful.  

It’s about having an open invitation for the outside world to be a part of our internal happiness and fulfillment.


Keeping The Mind Fresh with Eric Hinman by Patrick Cross

Keeping the Mind Fresh

A chat with Eric Hinman


By: Patrick S. Cross, LMT, CPN, CET



As Eric walks through the doors of Death & Co coffee house he’s got that look in his eyes like today is going to be an adventure.

An entrepreneur, angel investor, co-founder of multiple companies in multiple states, and a competitive athlete, Eric has a lot on his plate. He does not however have that tired, spread-too-thin look that afflicts so many of the extremely busy people I’ve met and worked with. His posture and temperament are energetic. He gives off the vibe of a kid who just ate a hearty breakfast and is ready to get out to the playground.


That’s one of the main reasons I wanted to interview Eric. When I see someone successfully managing a huge workload, engaging in creative projects, staying healthy, and having fun doing it, I want to learn that person’s secrets.


PC: So let’s start with a typical day. What does that look like for you?          

EH: I do the same thing every day. It may sound boring or repetitive, but I’ve worked to build a life around positive energy and mental clarity, and even though my life is repetitive the things I do over and over are exciting and fulfilling.

I eat the same things every day. I work out, move my body - movement is life. I go to the same places, and I make sure to create a routine that fits well with my lifestyle. For example, I know I’m not going to be home a lot and I won’t have time to cook or meal prep, so I go to the same restaurants at the same time and order the same things every day. Most people would overeat or eat the wrong things if they ate out every meal, but I’ve built a routine around healthy eating that fits with my lifestyle, and it works.


PC: As a performance nutritionist that strikes a cord with me. I tend to recommend that people cook more at home, which is generally healthier, but a lot of people simply don’t have time to cook at home. The solution you’ve come up with is simple, but effective.           

EH: I never look at a menu. As soon as I’ve figured out what the healthiest and most satisfying thing is at the restaurant, I never order anything else. It becomes the ‘Eric’ and all I have to say is ‘Bring me the Eric,’ and I know I have something that will be delicious and give me everything I need. 

Routine, routine, routine. That’s how we free up mental space and thrive.           

PC: In 2017 you were noted for having one of the top Men’s Health Instagram accounts, and in a post for Men’s Health Magazine you noted your top five mood enhancers (excluding diet and exercise as the obvious staples). Those were:


1.     Meet at least one new person every day, share your story, and learn something about their story.

2.     Expose your mind and body to something extreme or scary.

3.     Give without expectation of receiving. Give someone a gift, knowledge, or inspiration.

4.     Try something new. 

5.     Drink coffee (but not too much).

PC: Is there anything you would change or add to this list now. 



EH: Definitely! Get outside. That’s a big one. And do something, preferably outside, that keeps your mind in the present moment. Mountain biking is one of those things for me. It gets me outside. I get my vitamin D. I get an endorphin rush, and it teaches my mind to focus on the moment, which is something we’re losing as a society. We get all of these notifications constantly, we have instant access to anything on the internet, and it’s ruining our ability to focus on one thing at a time.           

PC: You’re very active on social media, does that make it harder to focus?          

EH: I create a lot of structure around content consumption. That’s the next thing I would add to the list. If it’s not going to help me, if I’m not learning something or being inspired, I’m not looking at it. I’m not wasting time or focus if it’s not quality.            

PC: When you talk about meeting new people, who are the most important people to put yourself in the room with on a regular basis?          

EH: Like-minded people based on the chapter of life that I’m in right now.          

PC: “I like that. I’ve noticed that the most important people to spend focused time with will change depending on where I’m at and what I’m trying to accomplish. There are the staple people in my life, my tribe so to speak, but I need to venture outside of that circle of friends and family and get in the room with people who are going to help me write that next chapter better.”         

EH: Exactly.          

PC: So, what’s your why? What is the driving force behind all that you do and keeping a fresh mind to do it?           

EH: I want to experience as much as I can while I can. It’s people and places. Do epic shit with epic people. That’s what it’s all about.


Changing Charles' Story by Patrick Cross

Changing Charles’ Story


Emotions and The Body 

Part 2


By: Patrick S. Cross LMT, CPN, CET



In part one we discussed how our emotional states create physical patterns in our bodies, for better or worse (see part one below). In part two we look at one of the most interesting cases I’ve seen in my career. One that solidified the interest and respect I have for a well-rounded approach to health care that includes how we feel about what we feel.

            I met Charles (not his real name) at a cocktail party. In his mid 60s, Charles carried himself well, and was the kind of guy who brightened up the room with smiles and good conversation. Mid way into the evening I was listening to some of his stories about Denver through the decades when I noticed his right shoulder didn’t move very much. It looked stiff and every once in a while he would reach up and touch it with his left hand. It was subtle, but it’s my job to notice things like that.

            “Having shoulder trouble?” I asked him during a pause in the conversation.

            “Yes,” he responded, “It’s been bothering me for years.”

            “Was there an injury?” I asked.

            “A car accident.” He said. “Back in ’92.”

            “It’s been going on for that long?” I asked. “Have you had any therapy to try to resolve it?”

            “I’ve done everything.” He said, with a deep breath. “Chiropractic, acupuncture, PT, dry needling, massage, you name it. I always feel a little better for a few days, and then it comes right back. I even went the surgery rout at one point. None of it helped.”

            “I’d be happy to take a look, if you want another opinion.” I gave him my card.

“Thanks,” he said, and took my card, but I didn’t expect him to call since he’d already seen so many people. What was another massage therapist going to be able to do?

A week later I got a call from Charles.

“Alright,” he said, “Let’s give it a shot.”

He came in for a session and I went through all the assessing and treating I thought might do the trick. When we finished the session his shoulder had better movement, the pain was gone, and I was happy with a job well done, but it didn’t last.


I called him three days later to follow up, and sure enough the pain and stiffness were back.

I saw him for a second session, and a third. Each time he would feel great getting off the table, and then the pain and stiffness would come back within a few days.

“Don’t worry about it,” he said, “This is how it always goes.”

But I did worry about it. I’ve always been a mildly obsessive person, and when I can’t figure out a problem I can barely think about anything else.

After the fourth session something interesting happened. When I followed up with him he said the pain had not come back, and a week later it was still gone.

“What did you do?” He asked, excited. “This is the longest it hasn’t hurt in years.”

I’d done some more work with his spine in the last session and I thought we might be on to something. Then he called me a few days later and said the pain was back.

“I just went to pick my car up out of the shop and by the time I got home my shoulder was terrible.” He reported.

I was silent for a moment, trying to wrap my head around possible explanations.

“Wait,” I said, “Your car has been in the shop? For how long?”

“Two weeks,” He said. “Bit of a hassle. I’ve been walking a lot more though. That’s been kind of nice.”

“So you haven’t driven a car in two weeks?” I asked.

“Correct.” He said.

“And today you drove for the first time and the pain came back?” I asked.

“Yep.” He sighed.

There was something there. I wasn’t sure what it was yet, but I was about to find out.


When Charles came in for his next session I asked him some questions I hadn’t asked before. Instead of focusing only on his physical shoulder I started asking him about the story of the accident.

“Why does that matter?” He said, when I asked him to recall the incident.

“Not sure yet.” I told him, “But let’s explore this a little bit. Tell me everything you can remember.”

“Alright.” He conceded. “It was late at night, maybe 11:30pm. I was on my way home from an event and out of nowhere this drunk asshole plowed into my car.”

As soon as he said those words the muscles in his shoulder tightened up. I worked them a little bit, and after a few minutes they calmed down.

“Tell me more.” I said.

“What’s more to tell?” He said. “It was just bad luck. Here’s this guy out there getting drunk and going out and ruining people’s lives. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and I was the one that the son of a bitch got.”

His muscles clamped down more than ever, and he winced in pain as I moved his shoulder. I had to stop for a moment and think about what was going on. I’d been taking the Somato-Emotional Release training through the Upledger Institute, but I’d just started and wasn’t really sure what this all might mean yet.

“How do you know the other driver was drunk?” I asked.

“It was in the incident report.” Charles said.

“Did you ever meet him or see him in court?” I asked.

“Never even saw the guy.” He said. “All I know is that he was driving around drunk, ruining people’s lives. I can’t believe anyone could do that. I mean, how could you go around getting wasted and causing people so much pain?”

Charles’ muscle tightened back up. He was angry, and it was affecting his shoulder in a powerful way.

“How drunk was he?” I asked.

“Why does that matter?” Charles shot back.

“Just curious.” I said, calmly.

“Well,” He said. “I don’t really know. It didn’t say specifically what his blood alcohol levels were in the report, just that he was over the legal limit and received a DUI.”

“So how do you know he was wasted?” I asked.

Charles paused for a moment. “I guess I don’t.”

“And you never met him, even that night?” I asked.

“No.” He said. “The accident was pretty bad. I went straight form my car to the ambulance. Never saw anyone but the paramedics.”


“Just out of curiosity, have you ever been over the legal limit after a dinner with friends or an event, and gotten into your car to drive home?” I asked.

“Well,” He said, “Sure. Who hasn’t? I’ve never driven drunk before though.”

“Is it possible that this guy was just slightly over the limit?” I asked.

Charles paused for moment. Then something very interesting happened. His breathing deepened and his facial expression shifted. Charles’ voice softened, his brain was reworking itself, and he started to tell a different story.

“I guess so. Yes.” He started, slowly. “I guess that’s possible. Maybe the guy was having a really hard night. Maybe he’d just had a fight with his wife and went to the bar to have a drink and think things over. I’ve done that before.”

He paused for another moment.

“Maybe he’d had a drink or two and figured out what he needed to figure out, and was heading home to his wife. He would have been distracted driving home. Maybe they’d been fighting about money or their kids, so there could have been a lot on his mind. I guess it could have happened to anyone.”

In awe at what was happening I held my hand on his shoulder, feeling the muscles start to loosen up as he spoke. Then the next thing Charles said completely blew me away.

“God, I hope the guy ended up ok.” Charles said. “A DUI can really screw things up for someone.”

Then Charles let out a deep breath, like he’d let go of something very heavy that he’d been carrying around for a long time. His muscles loosened completely, and his shoulder started moving smoothly again.

Charles was a different guy walking out of that session. He’d always been positive and cheerful since I met him, but now he seemed peaceful. When I followed up with him he said the shoulder pain was gone. He noted that he still felt the muscles start to tighten up when he would get into his car, but that was starting to go away as well.

I’ve thought a lot about that session over the years. The power of the stories that we tell ourselves, and the emotions attached to those stories can be intense. It is an aspect of health care that often goes unrealized and unresolved.

What really gets me though is that we can’t be sure if either of the stories Charles told himself were actually true. But does it really matter? The first story created anger, frustration, hatred, and a victim mentality, resulting it physical tension and pain. That is not a productive story. The second story produced feelings of empathy, understanding, and forgiveness, the result of which was release and a sense of peace.

The power of our emotions should not be underestimated, and we would all do well to examine the stories we tell ourselves, and the emotional patterns they provoke. If we can’t know the full truth in a certain situation, then can we dismantle the damaging stories we tell, and weave new stories that ultimately serve us better and provide for a more thriving life?
